A little over one year after Ebola outbreak claimed several lives across the country and stretched the Nigerian health care system to its limits, another epidemic, Lassa fever, is unleashing similar horror on the nation, writes Eric Dumo and Alexander Okere
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Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, yesterda addressed delegates during an emergency National Council on Health meeting on Lassa fever outbreak in Abuja.
He said, “We are worried and we should be worried. This is why this meeting is important. This battle is not for us alone. It is a nationwide exercise.”
According to proffessor isaac who said the latest crisis to stare Nigeria in the face is not for the Federal Government alone but for every citizen. Though, the level of awareness is relatively low compared to when Ebola hit the country in 2014, individuals and households who are aware now apply extra caution in handling hygiene matters.
He furthered said that residents especially in rural communities, have been warned not to spread food items like cassava flour popularly known as garri on the floor or by roadsides as it could be a major avenue for the attraction of rats which spread the Lassa virus.